• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2024, Volume: 17, Issue: 23, Pages: 2406-2411

Original Article

A Case Study on the Fundamentals of Sensory Problems in Cerebral Palsy

Received Date:09 November 2023, Accepted Date:23 April 2024, Published Date:03 June 2024


Objective: To find out the sensory problem apart from the motor issues in a case of Cerebral Palsy (CP) with a complicated birth history. Method: Along with a thorough motor assessment of the child, the parents of CP Child were subjected to an interview for the examination of associated sensory problems. The caregiver's experiences related to sensory problems were recorded and divided into different domains. For the evaluation of complications and motor symptoms, a variety of assessment techniques were used. Findings: Sensory issues find out under ten domains: Gustatory, Tactile, Vestibular, Proprioception, Movement Processing, Visual, Auditory, Olfactory, General Processing, and Stereognosis. Motor development was delayed and hampered in the child. Spasticity was significantly marked in the lower limbs because its gait and balance were disturbed. Along with the motor problems sensory issues are significantly disturbed in the presented case. Novelty: This study is unique not only because it addressed an exceptional case of CP with a complex birth history. In addition, the study concentrated on the sensory issues that were neglected in earlier research. Conclusion: The child of CP exhibited many sensory problems along with motor complications. Before starting treatment it is important to evaluate the sensory issue, apart from motor symptoms.

Keywords: CP (Cerebral Palsy), MAS (Modified Ashworth Scale), GMFCS (Gross Motor Function Classification System), PROM (Passive ROM Exercise), TUG (Timed Up and Go)


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