• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2021, Volume: 14, Issue: 30, Pages: 2511-2516

Systematic Review

A Systematic Review on Nutritional Vulnerability and Opportunity during the First 1000 Days of Life for Ensuring Better Human Capital

Received Date:06 July 2021, Accepted Date:11 August 2021, Published Date:15 September 2021


Objectives: To explore, compile facts, evidences regarding importance and nutritional vulnerability of first 1000 days and existing interventional opportunities. Methods: Conduction of a systematic review by surfing electronic databases including Pub Med, MEDLINE, Scopus, ProQuest, CINAHL, Web of Science, EMBASE, Science Direct, Google Scholar etc. The keywords used for searching the articles include First 1000 days, Maternal and Child health, early life, Malnutrition, economic impact of early life malnutrition, first 1000 days and impact on human capital etc. Review material which focused on the nutritional aspect of an individual’s life starting from the point of conception to 2 year were analyzed and a concrete synthesis was reproduced. Findings: Approximately forty research and reviews were assessed and it was concluded that considering the entire life course the early life period is considered as critical in deciding health and wellbeing. First 1000 days have been recognized as period of maximum plasticity and greatest potential for introducing nutritional interventions. Any negligence during this period can reciprocate early disparities in children’s functioning which can further cause problems in field of future education and employment opportunities. Economic development of any nation is directly influenced by its citizens health therefore health care providers should refer to existing services available for mother, infants and young children and also advocate nutritious diets. Public policies should ensure appropriate supply of nutrients for better foundation of early growth and development which in turn is key factor for long term good health. Novelty/ Improvement: Factors associated with nutritional vulnerability of first 1000 days suggest that interventions aiming at short term gains like improvement in birth weight and infant survival can further have a long-lasting effect during the entire life course.

Keywords: Nutritional Vulnerability; First 1000 Days; Human Capital; Programme Implication; Cognitive development; Stunting; Wasting


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