• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2013, Volume: 6, Issue: 5, Pages: 1-5

Original Article

Development of Electro-thermal Model for Quality Assurance of Materials


This paper presents electro-thermal modeling using Resistance-Capacitance (RC) for transient heat conduction to inspect temperature variation over the surface of a material (AISI 316 steel) with defective and non-defective zones. An electrical based analytic approach for stepped infrared thermography is presented based on the correspondence between the fundamental laws of heat transfer and electricity. The construction of approximate analogous electrical models of thermal problem has been used in the mathematical analysis of heat transfer. A rigorous discussion of the heat dissipation mechanism over the material is performed, to show that the temperature over the defect region is always greater than the reference area and to prove the analogy of thermal to electrical parameter from the surface temperature evolution.
Keywords: Electro-thermal Modeling, Stepped Infrared Thermography, AISI 316 Steel, Analytic Approach, Analogy


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