• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 45, Pages: 1-6

Original Article

Energy Distribution of Radiation Emitted by a Black Body - Independent of Probability


Background/Objective: To demonstrate that the formula for Energy distribution of radiation emitted from the cavity of a black-body, derived by German physicist Max Planck in the year 1900, has an alternative explanation independent of probability. Method: Energy released by radiations emitted from the cavity of a black-body, is compared with the energy released from an incandescent electric bulb. Electrical energy added to the bulb is envisaged to transform into energy-sphere that breaks-up into small packets of energy akin to radioactive decay of matter, and generates electromagnetic radiations causing brightness. Finding: Conjoining the quantization of energy and the technique of radioactive decay, a formula is derived for the brilliance of the incandescent bulb. The formula, thus derived, is found to be identical to the formula derived by Max Planck. This finding leads us to a unique outcome that the assumption of oscillators inside the cavity of black-body is not a requisite for deriving the formula as suggested by Max Planck, and believed till date. Elimination of oscillators also makes Boltzmann’s statistical method, which was utilized by Max Planck in his derivation, irrelevant to the formula, thereby making it independent of probability. Use of probability in physics leads to uncertainties and weirdness which is evident in quantum physics. This technique eliminates the probability from this basic formula of quantum physics and introduces a distinctive mode of generation of electromagnetic radiations from energy-spheres. Application/Improvements: This technique can further be explored and applied in ascertaining the behavior of electrons and other sub-atomic particles without the usage of probability.

Keywords: Black-body, Probability, Quantization, Quantum Physics, Radiation


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