• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2022, Volume: 15, Issue: 17, Pages: 806-810

Original Article

Evaluation of Covid Severity in Diabetic vs Non-Diabetic Individuals using CT Severity Score

Received Date:31 December 2021, Accepted Date:13 March 2022, Published Date:12 May 2022


Background/Objectives: The Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid 19) pandemic has emerged as a great challenge to healthcare system with high rate of hospitalization and deaths. People with co morbidities such as diabetes are at increased risk of complications and Covid 19 associated deaths. The present study was done to evaluate Covid 19 severity among diabetic and nondiabetic patients using Chest CT severity score. Methods: A total of 106 Patients were subjected to standardized High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) chest imaging. The analyzed images and Computed Tomography (CT) severity score was grouped into mild, moderate, severe and no lung involvement in both diabetic and nondiabetic group. Findings: Among the diabetic patients 39.47% showed CT severity score of 15-25 compared to 8.82% in nondiabetic patients. Lung involvement was observed in 89.47% diabetic compared to 88.24% nondiabetic patients. Novelty: Diffuse ground glass opacity involving all the lobes was observed among poorly controlled diabetic patients whereas patch ground glass opacity was observed among nondiabetic group. By chest CT severity scoring, the severity of lung involvement due to Covid 19 in Diabetes mellitus patients was found to be greater (39.47%) when compared to nondiabetic individual (8.82%).

Keywords: Computed Tomography chest imaging; Computed Tomography severity score; Diabetes mellitus; Lung involvement; Covid 19 severity


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