• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2021, Volume: 14, Issue: 12, Pages: 971-983

Original Article

Facial expression recognition for low resolution images using convolutional neural networks and denoising techniques

Received Date:05 January 2021, Accepted Date:21 March 2021, Published Date:13 April 2021


Background/Objectives: There is only limited research work is going on in the field of facial expression recognition on low resolution images. Mostly, all the images in the real world will be in low resolution and might also contain noise, so this study is to design a novel convolutional neural network model (FERConvNet), which can perform better on low resolution images. Methods: We proposed a model and then compared with state-of-art models on FER2013 dataset. There is no publicly available dataset, which contains low resolution images for facial expression recognition (Anger, Sad, Disgust, Happy, Surprise, Neutral, Fear), so we created a Low Resolution Facial Expression (LRFE) dataset, which contains more than 6000 images of seven types of facial expressions. The existing FER2013 dataset and LRFE dataset were used. These datasets were divided in the ratio 80:20 for training and testing and validation purpose. A HDM is proposed, which is a combination of Gaussian Filter, Bilateral Filter and Non local means denoising Filter. This hybrid denoising method helps us to increase the performance of the convolutional neural network. The proposed model was then compared with VGG16 and VGG19 models. Findings: The experimental results show that the proposed FERConvNet_HDM approach is effective than VGG16 and VGG19 in facial expression recognition on both FER2013 and LRFE dataset. The proposed FERConvNet_HDM approach achieved 85% accuracy on Fer2013 dataset, outperforming the VGG16 and VGG19 models, whose accuracies are 60% and 53% on Fer2013 dataset respectively. The same FERConvNet_HDM approach when applied on LRFE dataset achieved 95% accuracy. After analyzing the results, our FERConvNet_HDM approach performs better than VGG16 and VGG19 on both Fer2013 and LRFE dataset. Novelty/Applications: HDM with convolutional neural networks, helps in increasing the performance of convolutional neural networks in Facial expression recognition.

Keywords: Facial expression recognition; facial emotion; convolutional neural network; deep learning; computer vision


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© 2021 Bodavarapu & Srinivas. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Published By Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee)


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