• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2021, Volume: 14, Issue: 8, Pages: 738-751

Original Article

Futuristic investigative study of IoT/Green IoT as a driving force for sustainable development

Received Date:29 January 2021, Accepted Date:07 March 2021, Published Date:19 March 2021


Background/Objectives: Current wave of technological innovations like IoT/Green IoT (G-IoT) has opened doors for new possibilities that must be explored for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) designed by United Nations. The main objective of the study is to propose an inference regarding potential role of IoT in achieving the target of sustainable development worldwide. Methods/Statistical analysis: An Online survey among the IoT industry experts, researchers, faculty members and educationists working in the area of IoT of ‘A’ grade state university in India has been conducted using ‘Google Forms Questionnaire’ to gain an insight into significance of G-IoT for sustainable development. The number of survey participants were around 300. Findings: The study attempts to track the gaps, challenges and obstacles in attaining the target of SDG’s. The major findings of the paper depict the significance of IoT in achieving the SDG’s as 84% respondents believes that that Green IoT/ Green ICT technologies can act as a game changer in accomplishing sustainable development and growth of green economy. Major areas where we can take advantage of these technologies include productive and efficient utilization of raw materials along with preserving natural resources and minimizing the emission of greenhouse gases and other wastes. Novelty/Applications: A sustainable environment around the world demands the planned and organized usage of IoT and G-IoT concept towards constructing/developing the goods and services for enhancing renewable energy sources, energy-conserving computing, management of power sources, green metrics, assessment tools and methodologies have potential to significantly transform the traditional development into sustainable development.

Keywords: Sustainable development; Green IoT; IoT devices; technological innovations


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