• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 41, Pages: 4319-4331

Original Article

Geochemistry and mineral chemistry of quartz mica schists within Iseyin-Oyan Schist Belt, Southwestern Nigeria

Received Date:10 September 2020, Accepted Date:13 October 2020, Published Date:03 December 2020


Background/Objectives: The Iseyin-Oyan schist belt is made up metasedimentary rocks, gneisses, granites and pegmatite intrusions. The study was aimed at identifying the schist within this belt and assess their metamorphism, geochemical characteristics and tectonic origin. Methods: Detailed geologic field mapping was undertaken where rocks were located, studied in-situ and identified. Samples of the schist were prepared for petrographic studies. Mineralogical contents were determined using X-Ray Diffraction technique. Polished sections were studied for mineral chemistry using Scanning Electron Microscope-Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy. Rock samples were analysed using X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometry. Geochemical data were elucidated using diverse geochemical discrimination diagrams. Findings: The schists are quartz mica schists and occur in close association with amphibolites, intrusive granitoids and pegmatites. The Mineral assemblage indicates upper (at the western part) to lower (at the central part) amphibolite facies grade metamorphism in the area. Pyrope-almandine garnets occur in quartz mica schist at the western parts reinforcing higher pressure-temperature metamorphic conditions. The concentration (in %) of SiO2 ranged from 56.4-71.6; Al2O3, 13.7-21.1; Fe2O3, 2-8; MgO, 0.7-2.4; and K2O, 2.1-5.5 supporting the evidence for differential degrees of metamorphism. Large iron lithophile and high field strength elements are similar to the average upper continental crust. Pronounced negative Europium anomaly pointed to the major roles played by feldspars during the geological processes. Plagioclase ranged from albite-oligoclase and oligoclase- andesine. The precursors of the quartz mica schist are possibly arkosic and greywacke sands deposited within the active continental margins. Evidence of uplift and overturning suggested for the differential metamorphism may be due to these events usually associated with active continental margins. Applications: This study has identified the once named undifferentiated schist in the study area to be quartz mica schist with details in their grades of metamorphism elucidated.
Keywords: Quartz mica schist; geochemistry; mineral chemistry; Iseyin-Oyan schist belt; precambrian basement complex


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