• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 36, Pages: 3725-3737

Original Article

Implementation of scalable and energy efficient WSN platform for IoT applications

Received Date:29 July 2020, Accepted Date:19 September 2020, Published Date:06 October 2020


Background/Objectives: The major problems in WSN are the short-range of RF signals and the short life of batteries of each node. We develop a platform that uses the MAC protocols to avoid collisions between packets and decrease the data collection time. To overcome the energy challenges, the sleep modes, idle consumption, and others solutions provided to extend the node’s life period Methods/Statistical analysis: Based on the IoT applications, we configured different hardware (HW) to collect data from temperature,relative humidity (RH), and carbon dioxide (CO2), and access to this data, and these devices remotely through the internet. For this, the nodes, transceivers, batteries, and the gateway (GW) are analyzed. Additionally, it is configured with the frequency band or the radio frequency (RF) sensitivity to improve the performance of the system developed. Findings: Sensors, repeaters, and the GW were configured to work with each other and be accessed through the internet. The energy consumed on the experiment carried out has been reduced by more than 80% choosing LP modes and enable sleep algorithms over the Node’s OS where the time was also reduced around 80% in comparison with the available options. By set MQTT and SSH services, this application is scalable to be integrated with cloud services and be accessed by remote computers. Novelty/Applications: Finally, the lifelong period of nodes augmented drastically, more range between nodes is achieved and highly reliable data collected with low power consumption.

Keywords: WSN; sensors; IoT; CO 2; temperature; relative humidity (RH)


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