• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: Supplementary 9, Pages: 1-5

Original Article

Innovative Collaborating Environment Building using OKMindmap Embedding Node Capability


Collaboration has become a very important issue in recent time. In human knowledge process, collaboration plays an important role to accomplish better work performance and higher knowledge accumulation. Wikipedia service is a good example of collaboration. Collaboration is also emphasized as an importantfactor of open paradigm as an activity of peering. Recently, advancement of device, infrastructure, and IT tools can increase the productivity and efficiency. Google Docs, for example, supports collaborative documentation environment. Even the conventional documentation method can evolve to different method like mind map or concept map. In this paper, a new collaboration method using mindmap is proposed. Not like any other collaborative mindmap service, the innovative way of mindmap node representation can upgrade the level of collaboration with big difference. This method is about optimal use of collaboration service as mindmap nodes. This can solve spatial limitation and allow versatile presentation style. The best practice will be presented for many useful services integrating nicely and seamlessly.
Keywords: Collaboration, Mindmap, OKMIndmap, Open Service


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