• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 47, Pages: 4619-4630

Original Article

Narratives of financially challenged ESSU Guiuan graduates who attained educational and career success

Received Date:17 November 2020, Accepted Date:16 December 2020, Published Date:28 December 2020


Background/Objectives: Education lessens the challenges that an individual will face in life. The more knowledge gained, the more opportunities will open up for individuals to achieve better possibilities in their career and personal growth. The purpose of this narrative study was to understand and discover the experiences of financially challenged ESSU Guiuan Graduates attaining educational and career success. Further, the researcher sought to establish a clearer picture of the full story behind how the informants’ of this study handled their financial challenges and struggle to make ends meet and afford their education. Methods/Statistical analysis: This study used the narrative inquiry approach to qualitative research. As Czarniawska(1) describes narrative research as an understanding of the narrative account of individual experiences, or series of events/actions, in spoken or in writing which is chronologically connected. In general, this study deals with biographicalresearch as a potent tool into the world of identity, understanding meanings and acquired practical knowledge. Findings: The data gathered generated three themes namely: 1.) Background of their poverty experiences, and has the following sub-themes: a) Relevant Poverty Experiences, b.) Resilience amidst Poverty Experience; 2) Experiences, Challenges, and Highlights of their Life amidst Poverty, and has the following sub-themes: a) Idea and the secret to success, b) Personal Success, c) Idea of Poverty, d) Relevant Experiences of Poverty, e) Challenges and Strategies to Success, 3.) Sense-Making of Personal Success and its sub-themes emerged, namely: a) Life Hardships and Trials, b) Determination and Perseverance, c) Personnel Reflection and Prospect, d) Ideals in overcoming obstacles. Novelty/Applications: This study concluded that the willingness of every individual to conquer and overcome financial challenges with determination and perseverance paved the way for achieving their intended goals and ambitions which eventually leads to self-fulfillment and success.

Keywords: Narratives; financially challenged graduates; educational success; career success; narrative inquiry


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