• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 12, Pages: 1-14

Original Article

Speech Image in the System of Social Relations: About Certain Stages of Linguistic Image-making (as exemplified by Margaret Thatcher’s Oral Activity)


Objectives: Our task is to describe the speech component of image structure on the example of an established, conceptually concise image (Margaret Thatcher). Methods: Systematization and theoretical understanding of the material. A descriptive method for creating biographical context of understanding Margaret Thatcher’s career. Method of diagnostic context, denotative, emotive and structural analysis, semantic differential. Corpus-based and cross-lingual methods. Findings: The research of corpus of Margaret Thatcher’s texts suggests that Thatcher’s speech image is a combinatorial formation based both on the process of the personal potential exteriorization (the image of “the Iron Lady”), and the verbal behavior program setup implementing the communicative ideal of a mother. Applications/Improvements: Application of the results includes linguo-pragmatics, political linguistics, sociolinguistics, discourse theory and practice. 

Keywords: Discourse, Pragmatics, Speech Image, Speech Portrait, Verbal Behavior Program.


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