• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 36, Pages: 3707-3715

Original Article

Using genetic algorithm to solve multiple traveling salesman problem and considering Carbon emissions

Received Date:18 August 2020, Accepted Date:16 September 2020, Published Date:06 October 2020


Objectives: The Multiple Travelling Salesman problem is a complex combinatorial optimization problem which is a variance of the Traveling Salesman Problem,where a lot of salesmen are utilized in the solution. In this work a cold chain logistics and route optimization model with minimum transport cost, carbon cost and Refrigeration cost are constructed. Methods: A genetic algorithm is then proposed to solve for the Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem with time windows while transport cost, carbon emission cost and refrigeration cost is minimized. Findings: It was observed that the algorithm evolved towards the direction of the optimal value of the fitness function. Novelty: There are a number of studies that considered tournament selection strategy but just a few have applied genetic algorithm considering insertion method to solve a Multiple Travelling salesman Problem. This study uses insertion method to obtain optimal solution. Also, the researcher considered time windows, transport cost, carbon emission cost and refrigeration cost.

Keywords: Genetic algorithm method; cold-logistics; multiple travelling salesman problem


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