• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 18, Pages: 1830-1839

Original Article

Assessing user satisfaction with the MAKKEN system in Shaqra University: A structural equation m odelling analysis

Received Date:01 March 2020, Accepted Date:17 May 2020, Published Date:17 June 2020


Background/Objectives: In Saudi Arabia, most organizations are rushing to adopt new technologies of digital transformation to achieve Saudi Vision 2030. Shaqra University has, therefore, adopted a new system, the Makken system, which allows users to conduct transactions such as printing salary details and helping managers to manage their employees and other faculty members. This study aimed to assess the factors that impact on users' satisfaction with the Makken system in Shaqra University. Method: A questionnaire was distributed among administrative employees and faculty members in Shaqra University to assess users' satisfaction with the Makken system based on the following factors: Information quality (IQ), System quality (SQ) and Service quality (SV). In this study, the snowballing selection technique is used among 122 staff members (academic and administrative) who are working in the Shaqra University from both the male and female sections. The structural Equation Model (SEM) was employed to analyse the data via maximum Likelihood operation. This was done by calculating each pathway for significance and also by estimating the strength of each path in terms of the obtained Beta value (β). Findings: Structural equation model (SEM) analysis was used in this study and the results revealed that Information quality, System quality and Service quality had positive impacts on user satisfaction with the Makken system. It was also found that most users were satisfied, but not completely satisfied, with the Makken system in Shaqra University.

Keywords: Makken system; Shaqra University; SEM; User Satisfaction; Information System


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