• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2021, Volume: 14, Issue: 36, Pages: 2806-2814

Original Article

Characterization of the Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Juniperus polycarpos K. Koch (Cupressaceae), from Ziarat, Pakistan

Received Date:08 February 2021, Accepted Date:11 June 2021, Published Date:11 February 2021


Objectives: To broaden the genetic information base of Juniperus and resolve phylogeny of Juniperus polycarpos through sequencing and characterization of its chloroplast genome. Methods: The chloroplast (cp) genome of J. polycarpos was sequenced and assembled using the Next-Generation Sequencing pairedend reads platform of BGISEQ-500 and annotated using CpGAVAS. The phylogenetic analysis was performed in MEGA7. Findings: Here, we report the complete cp genome sequence of J. polycarpos. The cp genome size is 127,825 bp with a typical circular structure and lack canonical inverted repeats having a total of 119 genes comprised of 82 protein-coding genes, 33 tRNA genes and four rRNA genes. The cp genome encodes 105 single copy genes and five duplicated genes (ndhK, ccsA, rps12, trnE-TTC and trnQ-TTG), and one tetraplicated gene(trnM-CAT). In these genes, 9 genes (rpl2, ycf2, trnA-TGC, trnETTC,rpoC, rpoB, ndhB, ndhA and atpF) harboring a single intron, three genes (accD, rrn23s and ycf3) having two introns and one gene (ycf1) harboring three introns. The overall GC content of J. polycarpos chloroplast DNA was 35%. Phylogenetic analysis among 14 species of order Coniferales based on cp genomes indicated a close relationship between J. polycarpos, J. cedrus and J. communis. Novelty and application: This is the first report on the cp genome of J. polycarpos. The current study is expected to add to the already available genomic resources needed for more comprehensive population genetics studies and resolving phylogenetic relationships of order Coniferales. Besides, it will provide baseline data for future research on Juniperus of Pakistan in particular.

Keywords: BGISeq-500; Cloroplast Genome; Persian Juniper; Phylogeny


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