• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 46, Pages: 1-7

Original Article

Effect of the University Student’s Sociality and Empathic Ability on the Leadership Life Skills


Objectives: This research expressed aiming at the first grade of nursing student of A University in C city. If there is establishment of proper sociality in period of university student, it makes adaptable advisably on everyday life and development of colleague relation. But, in case of lacking sociality, it makes failure on interpersonal relations, and feel anxiety, loneliness, unhappiness. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The collected data is analyzed by using SPSSWIN 18.0. Difference of three dependent variables by general characteristic of the subjected people is analyzed by pre-hoc comparison of bonferroni, t-test, and ANOVA. The relation of leadership life skills, sociality, and empathic ability calculate Pearson correlation coefficients, and the elements influencing on leadership life skills is implemented by multiple regression analysis. Findings: This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing the leadership in nursing students. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was done using SPSSWIN 18.0. Dummy variables were religion, volunteer participation attitude, university event participation attitude, nursing department event participation attitude, and leadership experience. Adding to these five variables, sociability and empathy were included for multiple regression analysis. Leadership in nursing students accounted for 54.3% of the variance by above mentioned 7 variables. In the final model, the sociality, and empathic were the significant variable to explain the leadership. It is shown to better the sociality and empathic ability, better leadership. There is no significant relation between with the religions, volunteer participation attitude, school event participation attitude, department event participation attitude, experience of leader and leadership. Improvements/Applications: The leadership presents very well when the sociality and empathic ability are better which shows the importance of the various education method developments. Therefore, the leadership development is a signature assessment for the prep member of society.

Keywords: Empathic Ability, Leadership Life Skills, Sociality


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