• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2021, Volume: 14, Issue: 3, Pages: 229-238

Original Article

Faculty-perceived research skills and research productivity: A case study at a public University in Afghanistan

Received Date:16 November 2020, Accepted Date:05 January 2021, Published Date:28 January 2021


Objectives: To investigate the faculty perceptions of their research skills, research productivity and related hindering factors at a public University in Afghanistan so as to help the Higher Education policy-makers make the required changes in their current decisions in terms of the quality of academic research in the country. Method: The study applied a mixed method approach within two phases: a quantitative phase, which tested the faculty perceptions of their research skills using a questionnaire and a qualitative phase, which examined the faculty insights on their research productivity as well as its determining factors. The study sample included 164 full time faculty members employed by the University. It started in July 2020 and ended at the beginning of December 2020. Findings: A new inventory was developed by the researcher to measure the faculty research skills. Findings based on this inventory indicated that faculty perceived to have mid level research skills with a low-level research productivity as evidenced by their research production. Three different types of hindering factors categorized as personal, institutional and management factors also appeared to be associated with the faculty research productivity. The study ends with specific suggestions to Afghan education policy-makers and faculty members so as to make the necessary changes and improvements in their policies with regard to research skills, research productivity and the determining factors. This study is the earliest study to investigate the faculty research skills and research productivity in Afghanistan university context.

Keywords: The faculty; research skills; research productivity; hindering factors


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