• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2017, Volume: 10, Issue: 17, Pages: 1-7

Original Article

Image Compression in Spatial Domain: Weighted C-Mean Method


Objective: For reducing the data redundancy to save more hardware space and transmission bandwidth, data compression is used. Methods: For image compression, we have proposed a new method based on c-mean and absolute moment Block Truncation Coding (BTC) techniques. In this technique an image is segmented into several non-overlapping blocks. For each block, calculate the weighted c-mean by means of linear combination of its arithmetic mean and c-mean. The c-mean is evaluated by expressing every pixel into a sum of largest perfect square of non-negative integer. For each image block, the pixels are classified into two range of values based on weighted c-mean. The gray values of the image block which are greater than block weighted c-mean are considered as upper range and otherwise lower range. The weighted c-mean of upper range and lower range are termed as higher c-mean and lower c-mean respectively. Then construct the binary block matrix (0/1) based on weighted c-mean as a quantization level. In the decoder part, an image block is reconstructed by replacing the 1’s with upper c-mean and 0’s by lower c-mean of block matrix. Findings: The newly designed method is tested some8-bit standard images. It is also compared with related works in term of Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Bit Rate, and Structural similarity index. It shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. Applications: Image storage is required for several purposes like document, medical images, magnetic resonance imaging and radiology, motion pictures etc. All such applications are based on image compression.

Keywords: AMBTC, BTC, Image Compression, PSNR


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