• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 15, Pages: 1535-1545

Original Article

Intervening analysis of internet marketing between the relationship of brand awareness and online purchase decision of mobile products among the students of Heis in Pakistan

Received Date:29 March 2020, Accepted Date:29 April 2020, Published Date:31 May 2020


Objectives: This study has investigated the role of internet marketing to build brand awareness which definitely leads a quick purchase decision. The main objective of the study was to investigate the components of brand awareness which directly cannot be cause of purchase decision for the mobile products but the use of internet marketing specifically social media advertising will be helpful in improving the brand awareness which increases the chances of purchase decision. Methodology: The study is quantitative and based on the philosophy of positivism because of the large population and its quantitative nature. Population includes all android mobile users of district Khairpur who uses the social media. Population was unknown so the Roscoe (1975) sampling techniques have used to select sample for the study and according to that, sample become three hundred and fifty. By using convenient sampling method, respondents are selected from the 3 universities of district Khairpur and primary mode of data collection has used to obtain responses on the five point's Likert-scale randomly. Analysis: Data was analyzed and interpreted through a robust technique SEM, performed in AMOS 22 version in which CFA and path analysis has done. Conclusion: According to study's interpretation results it is concluded that brand awareness has positive and significant impact on the online purchase decision of mobile products and internet marketing partially mediates the relation between Awareness and online purchase decision of mobile product.

Keywords: Brand image; Social media advertising; Purchase decision


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