• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: 25, Pages: 1-8

Original Article

Multidimensional Representation of Educational Facility LCC (Life Cycle Cost) Data


A safe and comfortable study environment enhances educational performance. Thus, effective and efficient school facility managementis very important.However,present schoolmanagement systems areunreasonablebecause theydependmostly on the decision ofthe school principal or of non-expert administrators of educationalfacilities, instead of being based on the reliable Life Cycle Cost (LCC) data or information. The experts are often surprised to see a marked difference between their projected educational facility maintenance cost and the actual cost. The LCC of educational facilities produces a voluminous amount of quantitative data. Much of these data is created during the construction and maintenance phase of an educational facility and is related to cost, time, safety, quality, and administrative information. Recent storage and processing advances in computers increase the opportunity to monitor educational facilities in ways fundamentally different from those of the existing systems. However, the lack of a fundamental model of multidimensional data representation contributes to the inadequate application and implementation of the historical data in educational facility management. Therefore, this research presents a basic method of using data warehousing that will supply objective and reasonable LCC data or information for effective educational facility management.
Keywords: Data Warehouse, Educational Facility, Life Cycle Cost, Maintenance Cost, OLAP (Online Analytical Processing)


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