• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: Supplementary 10, Pages: 1-8

Original Article

On Educational Practice Dissemination of Multidisciplinary University as a Regional Support Higher Educational Institution in Terms of Public-Private Partnership


Creating a new quality of higher education in Russia at the second phase provides a new structural policy towards the network of universities. As a result of the first stage of the higher education reform, federal, national research universities and other higher educational institutions were established. Since 2012 at the federal level the work is in progress aimed at consolidation of the higher education system, creation of a modern infrastructure for interlinkage of scientific, educational and productive activities1. Today, the higher education starts a new stage – the creation of multidisciplinary universities – regional support universities, whose main task is personnel training to meet the needs of the country real economy and being in-demand in the first place in the labor market of their region. The article uncovers the issues of creating the regional educational space of the support university and educational practice dissemination of the subject of teaching and professional activities. A reflexive position of management activities at university contributing to the improvement of high education quality gains significance in this process. Fundamental importance for the development of a multidisciplinary university as a support higher educational institution in the region suggests finding ways of interlinking the world of work and vocational education in new social and labor relations in education based on the legal documents: The National Qualifications Framework, occupational standards and federal state educational standards. The demand for highly qualified professionals meeting requirements of the regional economy, possessing competences aimed at generating new knowledge and creating new technologies provides changes in the scientific, educational and industrial component of the university’s educational practices. The expansion of the resource base of professional personnel training for the region actualizes public-private educational infrastructure.
Keywords: Dissemination, Educational Practice, Educational Services, Public-Private Infrastructure, Public-Private Partnership, Strategic Model of Integration Ties of the Support University in the Region


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