• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2021, Volume: 14, Issue: 39, Pages: 2953-2960

Original Article

Potential of Mobile-Based Apps Online Platforms in Fast-Tracking Access of Agriculture Information

Received Date:29 April 2021, Accepted Date:03 November 2021, Published Date:18 November 2021


Objectives: This paper report the potential of online mobile phone-based platforms in fast-tracking access of agricultural information to farmers, with a case study of Arusha, Tanzania. Method: We used the questionnaire-based and focus group discussion methods and a total of 156 respondents were randomly selected for data collection. Findings: The results showed that 77.6% of respondents possess smartphones and 32.7% of them use internetbased platforms to search for agriculture information which usually is not applicable or specific in their local Arusha context. Such finding raised a need for developing internet-based platform for accessing agricultural information by farmers for use in their local context. Thus, the same respondents were assessed for their readiness to use a mobile-based agricultural app if developed. The results indicated that 80% of the respondents were willing and would use the app. Novelty: The paper demonstrated how mobile phonebased apps can be used to quicken accessibility of agricultural information in a local-based, context-specific location.

Keywords: Mobile Apps; Agriculture Information; Online Platform; Smartphones; Information Access


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