• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2024, Volume: 17, Issue: 3, Pages: 228-235

Case Report

Prosthodontic Management of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta - A Case Report

Received Date:05 July 2023, Accepted Date:16 December 2023, Published Date:13 January 2024


Objectives: Prosthodontic management of patients with Type II Dentinogenesis Imperfect, to provide a near to normal oral health for the individual, thereby improving their physical, mental and social well-being. Methods: Alginate impressions and border moulding was done. After a satisfactory try-in, the dentures were processed and delivered to the patient. Minor occlusal corrections were carried out during the insertion appointment and home care instructions were given to the patient. Findings: subject had normal primary dentition but the permanent dentition which replaced them fractured one after the other when it came into occlusion resulting in complete wearing out of his permanent teeth. Family history revealed that his sister also suffers the same condition with clinical manifestations like yellow-brown translucency on primary teeth. The child had a substantial loss in the vertical dimension of the face with a convex facial profile and retrognathic mandible and puckering of the chin. The lips were unsupported which gives a toothless appearance to him. Intra-oral examination revealed that the subject's occlusion is in a developing stage and whichever tooth that has come in contact with the opposing attrite to the gingival level. Novelty: The current patient has not been able to chew any food for the past 4-5 years since he lost his deciduous teeth. Such effects of DI can even affect the growth spurt and nutritional status of the individual. the patient has a severe attrition of teeth which has resulted in the loss of vertical dimension. So along with the restoration of mastication, the over-denture treatment also intends to increase the vertical height of occlusion to facilitate support of lips and overall growth of the facial-muscular entity. The clinical crown height of all the teeth was less and considering the patient's age over denture was delivered to the patient because of the economic constraints. Keywords: Attrition, Dentinogenesis Imperfecta, Discolouration, Rehabilitation, Loss of vertical dimension


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