• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2018, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-18

Original Article

Prototype for Consultation Cloud IoT Supported Medical Records on RFID Technology


Background/Objectives: Telemedicine can be considered IoT evolution of the telecommunications-oriented provision of health services remotely sector. This development implies that it is necessary to have specialized with ability to articulate a consultation service, monitoring or acquisition of information related to the health sector, with ongoing communication processes via Internet devices. The aim of this paper is to design a device capable of consulting the medical history of a patient, which is hosted in the cloud under a scheme of IoT is present. Methods: The prototype is supported under the use of a client / server architecture, which uses an Arduino as processing element, MFRC522 cards MIFIRE operating in the 13.56MHz band respectively. Results: The results obtained allowed to demonstrate the possibility of developing such solutions at low cost, thereby facilitating its use and overcrowding in all places where this service is required. Application/Improvements: The prototype developed can be considered as a strategy of technological innovation in the field of telemedicine supported in IoT, because that will reveal a fairly quick and efficient medical history of the patient way for any eventuality or routine procedure in order optimize service processes and delivery of services by health agencies. In future related work it is recommended to establish alternative mechanisms of connectivity and storage of information, which allow reaching higher levels of system performance on a large scale. 

Keywords: Arduino, Medical History, Telemedicine, WiFi, IoT, RFID


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