• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 26, Pages: 2625-2632

Original Article

Role of leadership communication in creating change readiness: revisiting Kurt Lewin's Model in telecommunication sector of Pakistan

Received Date:17 June 2020, Accepted Date:08 July 2020, Published Date:27 July 2020


Objective : The purpose of present study is to investigate the relationship between Change Communication and employees' readiness for change. Additionally, the study has attempted to address the mediating effect of employees trust on Change communication – employees' readiness relationship. Furthermore,the study reports the moderating effect of employees' openness on relationship between Change communication and employees trust. Method: Data collected from employees of telecommunication sector in Pakistan i.e PTCL, Ufone, Mobilink, Telenor undergoing through structural change. A two-step method to partial least square- structural equation modeling used in the study. Findings: Testing the Kurt Lewin theory of change providing empirical evidence on the hypothesized relationships found that communication was positively associated with employee readiness. However, employee trust mediates this link. The relationship between communication and trust depends on higher levels of employee openness to change. Novelty: This study will be among few studies that have highlighted the importance of change communication in developing trust by removing fears and uncertainties and making employees ready to accept the change during mergers, acquisitions and divestitures using the lens of Lewin's three-step model.

Keywords: Change communication; openness to change; trust in leadership; readiness for change


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