• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: Supplementary 8, Pages: 1-9

Original Article

Smart Daily Log Developed for Institutions for the Disabled


Child care institutions in Korea are required to do paper works for administrative purposes as the institutions have to draw, execute and evaluate plans to provide child caring services. Such documents include a service plan, a daily log and an evaluation sheet. Most institutions spend lots of time to write out the papers manually. This study is to help the institutions prepare the documents digitally, and analyze them to automatically recommend customized service for each individual child. The daily log service developed as a result of this study allows its users to keep the records online, and analyzes the daily log to come up with measures to improve daily log system. The daily log service has been used since 2009 in institutions for the disabled. A daily behavioral log as a result of analyzing daily log is written mostly at 8:00; while a daily child caring log is written mostly between 16:00 to 17:00. It takes 24 minutes and 32 seconds to prepare a daily child caring log; and 15 minutes and 3 seconds, for a daily behavioral log. Given that working hours are eight hours per day, 6% out of the working hours is spent on preparing the behavioral daily log. The share of time spent on paper works drops significantly.


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