• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 6, Pages: 1-8

Original Article

Sustainable Smart City: Masdar (UAE) (A City: Ecologically Balanced)


Background/Objectives: In future, billions of devices are going to connect to Future Internet (FI) to provide quality life to citizens. However energy sources for devices connection are limited. In this context, building Sustainable Smart Cities on natural energy resources is essential. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The data is collected from secondary sources i.e. online databases during the period of 2/12/2014-1/5/2015. Google search engine is used mainly for questing the articles. The data is in qualitative format including text, pictures, sound and videos. Since this article is based on exploratory study and case methodology, content analysis is done. Thematic coding is done grounded on the main keywords relating to smart cities dimensions. Findings: Main objectives of this research article are to see the sights of Smart Cities concepts. This article is also focusing on the state of art of Sustainable Masdar Smart City (UAE). As city’s name sounds “Masdar” which means “source” in Arabic, this city will be rich enough in renewable energy sources and sustainable buildings. The authors found that this Sustainable Smart City is completely energy efficient through solar. Furthermore, the authors discovered sustainable intelligent buildings of 1. IRENA’s Global Head Quarter. 2. Siemens Smart Building and 3. Masdar Institute of Science and Technology. City is designed completely based on ecofriendly of water, air and soil. Applications/ Improvements: Sustainable Smart Cities are basically emphasize on optimum natural energy utilization in terms of solar, water, air and tidal. Soil and local materials are also place an important role in constitution of ecofriendly cities.

Keywords: Masdar City, Renewable Energy, MIST, Smart City, Sustainable City 


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