• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2019, Volume: 12, Issue: 18, Pages: 1-8

Original Article

The Extent of the Inclusion of Listening Development Skills in my Beautiful Language Course for the Sixth Grade in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


Background/Objectives: To determine the degree of inclusion of listening development skills in ‘My beautiful language course for the sixth grade in Saudi Arabia. Methods/Statistical Analysis: The present study attempts to answer the following main question: How well does listening development skills be included in my beautiful sixth grade course in Saudi Arabia? Also, the present study is trying to determine the degree of inclusion of listening development skills in my beautiful language course for the sixth grade Saudi Arabia. The researchers used the descriptive approach in the survey methodology, analyzing the content to describe the phenomenon as it is in fact by surveying the literature on the skills of language communication, especially listening skills. The study used 13 previous studies as a reference. Findings: The researchers found the following results: - The extent of inclusion of the skill of audio discrimination in the course of my beautiful language course in the sixth grade rate of 11.42% of the total skills of listening development. - The extent of inclusion of the skill of classification in the course of my beautiful language in the sixth grade 1.42% of the total skills of listening development. - The extent of the inclusion of reasoning skills in the course of my beautiful language in the sixth grade reached 14.28%. Improvements/Applications: The researchers propose to study the extent to which listening development skills are included in my beautiful language course for the sixth grade and my beautiful language courses in all primary grades.

Keywords: Developing Listening Skills and Beautiful Language Course for the Sixth Grade


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