• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: 29, Pages: 1-11

Original Article

The Features of the Functional State of the Cardiorespiratory System of Students attending Specialized Sports Clubs (Football, Basketball)


The article discusses the issues of the students’ cardiorespiratory system adaptation to the athletic load. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of playing football and basketball on the regulatory-adaptive and functional abilities of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the students attending sports clubs. The contingent of the tested persons included 60 people aged 18–21 years; the control group included 35 students not engaged in sports activities. With the help of the “Poli-Spektr” and “Spiro-Spektr” hardware and software systems produced by the NeuroSoft Company (Ivanovo, Russia), the study revealed three types of adaptation: a high degree of adaptation (47.0% of football players, 58.0% of basketball players); stress of the regulatory mechanisms (20.0% of football and basketball players); and unsatisfactory adaptation (33.0% of football players and 22.0% of basketball players). In the conditions of an active orthostatic test, the majority of the football and basketball players demonstrated the autonomously central version of regulation. The students with a high degree of adaptation had the highest values of the respiratory function indicators. The contingent featuring an unsatisfactory adaptation of the cardiovascular system is characterized by the decline in the indicators of the lung ventilation economy and efficiency with respect to the contingent having a high degree of adaptation.
Keywords: Adaptation, Basketball, Cardiovascular System, Football, Mass Sports, Regulatory-Adaptive Status, Reserve Forces, Respiratory System, Students 


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