• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2024, Volume: 17, Issue: 23, Pages: 2463-2468

Original Article

Towards a Software Quality Factor Assessment Model for Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Received Date:28 March 2024, Accepted Date:17 May 2024, Published Date:08 June 2024


Objectives: Software quality models are well-accepted ways to control and guide software quality to enhance user effectiveness and work productivity. However, an adequate understanding of software quality assessment factors that promote the effective operation of Learning Management Systems (LMS) among users in educational contexts needs to be adequate. This study aimed to identify from the literature quality factors, sub-quality factors of the quality factors and their meanings from mainly used software quality factor models, explain Ehlers's Model of subjective quality requirements of e-learning systems and match the quality factors with Ehlers's model and develop a software quality model for e-learning. Methods: Drawing on software quality literature and Ehlers' Quality Model for educational technologies, we propose an LMS Software Quality Factor Model for assessing LMS effectiveness among users in educational contexts. Findings: The proposed model highlights relevant user-centred parameters (predominantly, "Reliability", "Efficiency", and "Flexibility/Evolvability") that ensure LMS quality and effectiveness among users. Novelty : This research is novel from the point of view of determining quality factors for LMS using an existing e-learning model, Ehlers’s user-based e-learning requirement model in this particular instant.

Keywords: Software quality factors, LMS, Ehlers's Model, ISO 9126, Educational technologies


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