• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2023, Volume: 16, Issue: 15, Pages: 1168-1177

Original Article

A Novel Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing in Wireless Sensor Network

Received Date:11 January 2023, Accepted Date:30 March 2023, Published Date:21 April 2023


Objective: Network lifetime of WSN can be extended through assigning nodes with higher energy levels as cluster heads. Cluster heads selection improves the packet transmission rate and conserves energy by reducing re-transmission. The proposed algorithm assigns nodes with high energy as clusters heads and finds optimal path which improves network coverage by avoiding dead nodes. Methods: To improve network lifetime and conserve node energy, a novel approach which involves optimum cluster head selection using Firefly algorithm (FF) and Glow Swarm Optimization (GSO) algorithm for routing in WSN (FFGSO) was developed. The cluster head selection is designed to be multi-objective function which meant for not only minimizing the energy consumption but also to minimize the distance and to improve coverage. Findings: The proposed model reduces energy consumption to about 16.21% which avoids dead nodes effectively and finds the shortest path to reach sink which eventually improves network coverage and improves the throughput by 9.52%. Novelty: To overcome the limitations of dead nodes and to improve the network lifetime, the proposed method introduces cluster head selection as a multi-objective function. To improve energy consumption, network lifetime and network coverage and to overcome the limitations of PSO-GSO, Leach and FF-PSO cluster head selection is designed as multi-objective function. The proposed method improves network stability and network lifetime through reducing energy consumption and finding the shortest path.

Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network; Cluster head selection; Firefly algorithm (FF); Glow Swarm Optimization (GSO); Energy efficient clustering


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