• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2022, Volume: 15, Issue: 6, Pages: 253-258

Original Article

Acoustical Studies on Heterocyclic Drugs In 1,4- Dioxane at 303.15 K

Received Date:20 October 2021, Accepted Date:21 January 2022, Published Date:20 February 2022


Objective: Main objective is to study the solute solvent interactions in different heterocyclic drugs with the help of various acoustic properties. Method: The values of ultrasonic velocity are measured by using ultrasonic interferometer for solution of different concentrations of heterocyclic drugs (Lamivudine, Simvastatin) in 70% 1,4-dioxane as a solvent at 303.15 K. This experimental data is used to explore the acoustic properties like as intermolecular free length (Lf ), adiabatic compressibility (b s), apparent molal volume (ϕv), specific acoustic impedance (Z), apparent molal compressibility (ϕk), limiting apparent molal compressibility (ϕ0k ), limiting apparent molal volume (ϕ0v ), relative association (RA), solvation number (Sn) with respect to change in concentration. Finding : It is noticed that the solute solvent interaction between the heterocyclic drugs and dioxane systems are strong. Novelty: Heterocyclic drugs viz. Lamivudine and Simvastatin were used to study different acoustic properties. In present work the acoustic properties of Lamivudine and Simvastatin in 1,4-dioxane at 303.15K have been reported.

Keywords: Lamivudine, Simvastatin, intermolecular free length, apparent molal volume, adiabatic compressibility, ultrasonic velocity.


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Published By Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee)


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