• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: 21, Pages: 1-10

Original Article

Aggressiveness Level Assessment using EEG Inter Channel Correlation Coefficients


Aggressiveness is one of the most important human characteristics that enable humans to achieve and reach to a higher level in their day to day activities. Conventionally, the aggressiveness of a subject is normally measured using Buss Perry aggressiveness questionnaire method. The validity of the aggressiveness score of a subject measured using this questionnaire method highly depends on the honesty ofthe subject while giving feedback for the questionnaire. Further,the aggressive level of a subject will change with respect to time and other environmental factors. Considering the variability of aggressive level, two simple methods, namely, task based mean of inter channel correlation coefficient method and inter trial task based channel correlation coefficient method have been proposed to estimate the aggressiveness of a subject while playing a smart phone game. A simple protocol to measure the EEG signals from the subjects while playing a smart phone game is proposed and EEG signals from 10 different subjects are obtained. Using the developed methods, the Buss Perry Aggressive Index, BPAI values were computed and analyzed together with the conventional Buss Perry Questionnaire based aggressive level index values. From the results it has been observed that subjects with higher BPAI value will get into higher aggressiveness state quickly and recover back to relaxing state quickly compare to subjects with lower BPAI value. For subject with BPAI level near to the group classifying limit might possess both group characteristic ofNet Aggressiveness Index, NAI development when expose to induction of aggressiveness. Therefore the proposed task based mean of inter channel correlation coefficient method and inter trial task based channel correlation coefficient method can be used to measure the aggressive index values.
Keywords: Aggressiveness Level Index, Channel Correlation, Correlation Coefficient, EEG, Smart Phone Game


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