• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2013, Volume: 6, Issue: 10, Pages: 1-9

Original Article

Behavior Based High Performance Protocol for MANET


This paper presents a Behavior Based High Performance (BBHP) protocol for MANET that involves the existing protocols and solutions to their best advantages instead of developing from scratch. Our system is defined as an intelligent system consisting of a behavior monitoring system, knowledge base, an inference engine and the execution system. The knowledge base consists of a set of rules defined using input and output metrics. The input metrics involve threats, mobility, network size and cooperation level and output metrics involve all the existing protocols and solutions used for secured routing. The inference engine decides the best solutions on the basis of observed behavior. Simulation results show that our proposed protocol is better than I-MAN on the basis of data drop, load, delay and throughput parameters. Hence, the proposed system gives an efficient result in the presence and absence of threats because it launches an appropriate protocol on the basis of network contexts.
Keywords: Co-operation Level, Inference Engine, Rule Based System, Behavior Monitoring System, Execution System. Abbreviations Grade (G), Network-Context (NCON), Network Context Protocol (NCON-P), Action protocol (AP), Basic protocol (B), Add-on protocol (A)


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