• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 47, Pages: 1-4

Original Article

Evaluation of Snowboard Deck through Physiological Analysis: Blood Lactate Concentration


Objectives: With the need for development of domestic sports products in Korea, this study proposed to present a technical evaluation to verify effects of prototype decks on physiological characteristics. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Five slope style snowboarders were tested in an advanced slope style course which was 420 m in length with an average pitch of 20° to maximum pitch of 30°. Double blind test was performed on prototype decks of 1st edition (B5) and 2nd edition (B1, B2, B3). A comparative physiological analysis of blood lactate concentration level while snowboarding on the course with different decks was analyzed. Findings: There was a statistically significant difference observed among different prototype decks (p<.05). The results of the post hoc test showed higher blood lactate concentration in B5, B2, B3 than B1 deck. Furthermore, significant difference was observed in the time period of accumulation (p<.01). When comparing difference in percent change to the resting state, 32.07% increment was observed in B1, B2 and B3 decks than B5. After exercise, B1 increased by 49.82%, B3 increased by 18.45% than B5, while B2 decreased by 3.32% than B5. According to the result obtained from our study, the lactate level of subjects while riding on the 2nd edition B3 deck was found to be most appropriate than 1st edition B5 prototype. Applications / Improvement: The results and the method from the study can be further applied to set a standard for physiological basis of performance analysis for various sporting equipment.

Keywords: Performance Analysis,Slope Style, Winter Sports 


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