• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 29, Pages: 2981-3001

Original Article

Extra-tree learning based Socio-economic factor analysis and multi-class adaptive boosting meta-estimator for prediction of agricultural productivity

Received Date:07 June 2020, Accepted Date:05 July 2020, Published Date:11 August 2020


Background/Objectives: In socio-economic factor analysis, the observed data are essential in the random distribution for the adequate representation of the random components associated with various factors and lead to poor prediction in the case of the Logit and Probit model. The objective of this work is to have machine learning based model for socio-economic factors analysis and ensemble learning based model for efficient prediction of agricultural productivity. Methods: In this work, extra-tree classifier machine learning model based socio-economic factors selection has been used and found capable to evaluate the socio-economic factors that contain relevant information to the target variable agricultural productivity. In addition to this, the multi-class adaptive boosting ensemble learning approach is used for the prediction of agricultural productivity of respondents (farmers) from their socio-economic profiles. This proposed research has been evaluated by using the test case of analyzing the socio-economic factors of the farmers affecting agricultural productivity in Sambalpur District, of Odisha State, India.The farmers’ socio-economic data are collected by using structured interviews through questionnaires that are in line with standard Participatory Rural Appraisal. Findings: It is found that the proposed approach of socio-economic factor identification is efficient for computing the relationships between socioeconomic factors and agricultural productivity. Novelty: In this application domain of socio-economic factor analysis, the proposed method employs extra-tree classifier and boosting ensemble learning for socio-economic factor analysis towards agricultural productivity which is found efficient than other existing approaches such as Logit, Probit, Linear Regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Naïve Baise, and other counterparts.

Keywords: Socio-economic factor analysis; multiclass adaptive boosting; ensemble learning; extra-tree classifier; Probit; Logit


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