• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2022, Volume: 15, Issue: 35, Pages: 1738-1744

Original Article

Formulation and Evaluation of Nutritional Properties and Shelf Life of Buckwheat Incorporated Nutri Ball

Received Date:10 April 2022, Accepted Date:30 July 2022, Published Date:10 September 2022


Objectives: To formulate and evaluate the nutritional composition and shelf life of buckwheat incorporated nutri ball. Methods: The moisture, fat, total ash in the control and various percentage of buckwheat incorporated nutri balls were analysed by using American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC, 2000). The quantity of protein was estimated using the micro Kjeldahl method supported by AOAC. AOAC (1999) method was employed to quantify dietary fibre. Total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidants analysis were done in methanolic extract of the various formulations of buckwheat nutri ball. Findings Nutritional analyses indicated that higher levels of protein (13.560.16), fiber (6.070.13), total phenolic content (5.970.11), total antioxidant capacity (34.210.17) and total flavonoids (2.960.03) were observed in 30% of buckwheat flour incorporated nutri balls. The total phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant capacity was notably improved on the addition of buckwheat flour. Color properties of different formulations of buckwheat nutri balls showed decrease in l*, a* and b* values. The storage results indicated that the developed Nutri balls were sensorily satisfactory for up to two months when it is stored at room temperature. Moreover, raise in buckwheat flour content from 0 to 30% resulted in an insignificant difference from sensory scores of control. Hence, it is concluded that 30% buckwheat incorporated nutri balls are more acceptable. Novelty: This study proves that the novel gluten free nutri balls has plenty of bio active compounds.

Keywords: Buckwheat; nutri balls; proximate analysis; sensory attributes; shelflife


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