• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2024, Volume: 17, Issue: Special Issue 1, Pages: 115-123

Original Article

Generalizing TCCD-Number For Power Graph Of Some Graphs

Received Date:29 August 2023, Accepted Date:05 March 2024, Published Date:31 May 2024


Objective: Finding the triple connected certified domination number for the power graph of some peculiar graphs. Methods: A dominating set with the condition that every vertex in has either zero or at least two neighbors in and is triple connected is a called triple connected certified domination number of a graph. The minimum cardinality among all the triple connected certified dominating sets is called the triple connected certified domination number and is denoted by . The upper bound and lower bound of for the given graphs is found and then proved the upper bound and lower bound of were equal. Findings: We found the (TCCD)-number for the power graph of some peculiar graphs. Also, we have generalized the result for path, cycle, ladder graph, comb graph, coconut tree graph, triangular snake, alternate triangular snake, quadrilateral snake and tadpole graph. Novelty: The triple connected certified domination is a new parameter in which the certified domination holds the triple connected in induced .

Keywords: Domination Number, Power Graphs, Triple Connected, Certified Domination, Triple Connected Certified Domination


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