• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 28, Pages: 2858-2865

Original Article

How does perceived social support and self-esteem impact employees’ turnover intention? Case of banks’ merger in Pakistan

Received Date:21 June 2020, Accepted Date:22 July 2020, Published Date:07 August 2020


Objectives: Study indicates the importance of social support and employee personality dimension- self-esteem to counter withdrawal behaviours and help retain employees at the demanding time of mergers. Methods/Statistical analysis: Total 318 responses were collected from employees of Muslim Commercial Bank (MCB) undergoing a merger with NIB bank in Pakistan by using convenience sampling. Data was analyzed using a two-step method of PLS-SEM. Findings: The study found a positive relationship of perceived social support to self-esteem while negative relationship of self-esteem found with turnover intention. Furthermore, the relationship of perceived social support and turnover intention negatively mediated with indirect effect of self-esteem. Novelty: Study is unique in a sense that has incorporated employees’ own belief- self-esteem as an important mediating mechanism to reduce employee withdrawals during organizational changes.

Keywords: Perceived social support; self-esteem; turnover intention; merger


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