• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2017, Volume: 10, Issue: 27, Pages: 1-10

Original Article

Hydrochemical Evalution of Groundwater in an Industrial Area Chrompet


Objectives: To analyze the physical and chemical characteristics of a groundwater samples (Tannery industrial area). The suitability of groundwater for domestic purpose has been interpreted using Geographical Information system. Methods/Materials: Groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters as per the standard procedures prescribed by American Public Health Association (APHA) using standard techniques, to determine Colour, Odour, Turbidity, conductivity, pH, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), alkalinity, Methyl Orange Alkalinity Total Hardness, Carbonate Hardness, Non Carbonate Hardness, Phenopthenlein, Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride, sulphate, Iron, Nitrate, and Silica and compared with water quality standards. Findings: Colour, pH (ranges 7.36 to 8.33), Methyl Orange Alkalinity (ranges 2 to 67mg/l), Phenopthenlein Alkalinity (maximum 82mg/l), Calcium (<0.01), Magnesium (ranges 4.7 to 14.8 mg/l), Chloride ranges 325 to 642), Sulphate (ranges 24 to 52 mg/l), Iron (<0.01), Nitrate (2 to 28mg/l), were within the permissible limit. The study reveals that the concentration of Turbidity (5 to 25 NTU), EC (1752 to 4365 micromhos/cm), Total dissolved solids (ranges 863 to 2952mg/l) and Total Hardness (ranges 300 to 2143 mg/l), exceeding the permissible limit. Groundwater is unsuitable for domestic uses. Application/Implements: By implementing new technology like permeable reactive barrier near the effluent discharged area and around the solid waste dumping area it can minimize the groundwater contamination. Thus, this study indicates the impact of effluents from tanneries. To highlight the impact of tannery effluent on groundwater, strategically analyzed results are presented based on GIS.

Keywords: Domestic, Groundwater Quality, Spatial Distribution, Tanneries, GIS


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