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Intelligent Inspiration to Salvage Enery in Ad-hoc Network Using Biological Agent
  • P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 7, Issue: Supplementary 7, Pages: 51–54

Original Article

Intelligent Inspiration to Salvage Enery in Ad-hoc Network Using Biological Agent


The wireless ad-hoc networks are decentralized, the nodes in the network communicated without any pre-established ­arrangement. One of the main challenging issues in an ad-hoc network is an efficient usage of the energy. The significance of the network is if one node flop due to energy level, then the entire network topology may change. Effective utilization of the nodes energy enhances the network longevity. The proposed paper, define an algorithm which uses the Genetic Algorithm (GA) technique to enhance the network lifetime by finding nominal track between the nodes by implementing a fitness rule with minimal time. Thus the 85% of the routing overhead may reduce by using biological agents.

Keywords: ad-hoc, Decentralized, Fitness, Genetic Algorithm, Track


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