• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2018, Volume: 11, Issue: 42, Pages: 1-12

Original Article

Modeling and Characterization Traffic Voice, Video, Data and Telemetry under Pareto Distribution-Oriented Networks have on Power Line Communications


Background/Objectives: To date, it has not found a traffic model that allows characterizing different kinds of service, which describe one self-similar behavior HAN (Home Area Network) networks on PLC (Power Line Communications). The aim of the article is to propose a model to characterize traffic classes such as voice, video, data and telemetry, describing a behavior autosimilar supported on the Pareto distribution. Methods: The Pareto distribution is a distribution type that is well aligned with autosimilar type of traffic. Pareto distribution is used as a source of network traffic, which has a bursty behavior, which can be repeated continuously within the network. To estimate the parameters describing the Pareto distribution for each class of service, a theoretical and experimental analysis was performed to determine the minimum rate, average and maximum, required to describe a source of real traffic. Topic Relevance: Although there have been various PLC networks related to work, had not seen a traffic model that allows to represent different kinds of service HAN networks. Aspects that can be considered useful in scenarios requiring evaluate aspects related to QoS (Quality of Service). Results: The proposed model allowed mathematically adequately represent different kinds of service, looking for the best estimate of the self-similar behavior present in the networks have and model the behavior that packets may occur within the PLC network under an innovative multi-multiclass stage. Application/Improvements: The proposed model can be used in practical and research scenarios as a strategy to evaluate the performance of networks and estimating the bandwidth required for various classes of service, in order to provide adequate levels of QoS during the provision of services such as voice, video, data and telemetry. It is suggested to evaluate other probability distributions, with the aim of identifying new strategies for modeling the self-similar traffic.

Keywords: Multiservice Network, Pareto Distribution, Power Line Communications, Quality of Service, Service Classes, Traffic Model


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