• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2024, Volume: 17, Issue: 27, Pages: 2829-2840

Original Article

Statistical Framework for Modeling Asymmetrical Data with Dual Peaks

Received Date:07 May 2024, Accepted Date:24 June 2024, Published Date:16 July 2024


Objectives: To create a comprehensive framework that effectively identifies the most suitable model for asymmetrical data based on its unique characteristics. Methods: This study proposed a new model named Gompertz-Gumbel distribution (GGD) based on the results from the framework which utilizes various statistical tools, as well as information criteria. A dip test is used to check the modality of the data. To propose a new model, the finite mixture model concept was employed. The location, scale, shape, and weight parameters of the GGD were estimated using the maximum likelihood estimation method. Findings: The suggested framework exhibits superior performance in developing a suitable model for the asymmetrical data with dual peaks, resulting in the best fit for the data. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed model, it has been compared with various models like Gaussian models and two-component mixture models. The GGD's properties have also been determined. The various shapes of the GGD were also analyzed. Novelty: A novel framework is proposed to identify the appropriate model for the asymmetrical data with dual peaks that outperform the existing models. It shows the significance of the framework.

Keywords: Lifetime distributions, Mixture models, Information Criteria, Goodness of fit, Asymmetrical data


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