• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2023, Volume: 16, Issue: 23, Pages: 1694-1701

Original Article

Study on Inheritance of Fingerprint Pattern and its Association with ABO Blood Groups at Nagaon, Assam

Received Date:30 September 2022, Accepted Date:03 April 2023, Published Date:09 June 2023


Objectives : To analyze the inheritance of fingerprints and blood groups and to finally trace (if any) the possible association between the inheritance of fingerprints and blood groups. Methods: A number of 100 students were randomly chosen from the campus of Nagaon College, Autonomous, Nagaon, Assam. A pre-designed form containing the required space for sample collection was made and distributed, explaining the procedure for thumb impression collection and blood groups. After collection, the prints were classified according to Henry’s system, where fingerprints are classified into 3 groups- loops, whorls and arches. Findings: It was observed that Arches which is possibly a recessive trait is more prevalent in Blood Group O which is also the recessive blood type. And loops and whorls was more prevalent in blood types A and B which are co-dominant in nature Novelty: Arch patterns might be of a recessive nature, but the dominancy or recessivity of loops and whorls cannot be firmly determined.

Keywords: Dermatoglyphics; Fingerprint; Patterns; Blood group; Loops; Whorls; Arches; Thumb


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