• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2015, Volume: 8, Issue: Supplementary 9, Pages: 1-9

Original Article

A Semiotics Analysis for the 18th Presidential Election Campaign Publications


This study is a semiological analysis of campaign publication at the 18th Presidential election in 2012. It is the analysis of slogan, catch-phrase, types of political advertisement, visual image, propaganda technique and text font which are shown on the book type campaign publication of the presidential candidates, Park GeunHye and Moon Jae In. As analysis method, practical function and ostensible function of Jackobson Rare used for slogan and catch phrase. And the visual image uses meaning effect phase of R. Barthes, expression technique of political advertisement, 7 propaganda strategies and frame of text font analysis.The result shows that the design of slogan and catch-phrase of the candidates, Park GeunHye and Moon Jae In, uses the directive and agitative message expression which is the characteristics of political communication. As for the expression method of language, Park GeunHye uses metaphor and Moon Jae In uses meronymy. Both of them connote that they are the most qualified candidates for the President of Korea. The slogan of Park GeunHye’, the first prepared woman President’, is authoritative but shows the power of execution, reliability and time spirit. However, the slogan of Moon Jae In, ‘Human is the first’, involves the feeling of consideration and benefit but is metaphysical concept which is beyond the public language and hard to be understood. The connotation of the both candidates is the myth created at the interrelation of the voter’s emotion and the value of political culture. And it is recognized as natural ideology of the Presidential candidates. In the types of political advertisement, propaganda technique and visual image, both of the candidates are authoritative and aristocratic. So they do not break out of the Korean political environment of high involvement. The propaganda methods, such as glittering generality, transfer, testimony, plain folks, bandwagon and card stacking, are considered but name calling, assaultive ad are avoided. The typography, such as emoticon, caricature, Q mark and symbolic ivies, is also used. As for the linguistic expression factors, both of the candidates design image advertisements rather than issue advertisement, and positive advertisement rather than negative advertisement. And for the appealing expressions, Park GeunHye focuses on logical appealing and Moon Jae In focuses on emotional appealing. It leads to the interpretation that both of the candidates are significantly affected by the current political environment. This study proposes new methodologies for researching the area of politics, election, advertisement and public relations and contributes to developing the sound and reliable political culture through researching the in-depth meaning and function inherent in the campaign advertisements. The abstract introduces the article and should not exceed 300 words. It should mention the techniques used without going into methodological detail and should summarize the most important results. Please do not include any citations in the abstract and avoid using abbreviations if possible.
Keywords: Candidate, Political Advertisement, Presidential Election, Semiotics Analysis


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