• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2016, Volume: 9, Issue: 6, Pages: 1-7

Original Article

A Study on Passive Sustainable Techniques (PST) in Urban Landscape


Saturated urban centers lack green cover areas and pose challenge to the present relationship ratio between the building mass (largest consumer of global energy) and the open space areas. The study aims at strengthening of urban landscapes with green infrastructure and its maintenance with the implementation of passive sustainable practices and methods thereby ensuring the urban health and safety. The passive approaches include landscape urbanism, urban farming, vertical greening, introduction of water corridor: tree corridor, adaptive reuse of underutilised spaces, urban street art, etc. at macro (city) level and xeriscaping, rain gardens, green roofs, passive solar landscaping, passive drip irrigation, etc., at micro (site) level. In this study 30 different types of techniques have been identified for micro level application. These methods utilize natural gravity, natural processes, natural energy sources and limit to the usage of active energy sources. For each technique, the approach and its environmental effects have been compared and analysed for existing as well as proposed urban landscape. The comparative data of such passive techniques clearly states the result of practicing traditional approaches for urban future. The research identifies the conservation of soil, water, air, energy and species is the prime method for the connection of the fragmented landscapes into one urban green mass. Active involvement of urban planners, landscape architects, urban activists, designers and ecologists improves the concentration of green areas in urban landscapes and characterises the sustainable landscapes.

Keywords: Conservation, Green Cover, Passive Sustainable Techniques, Urban Green Infrastructure, Urban Landscape 


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