• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2020, Volume: 13, Issue: 48, Pages: 4699-4707

Original Article

An investigation on production and productivity export performance of significant spices in the Country India

Received Date:06 December 2020, Accepted Date:21 December 2020, Published Date:30 December 2020


Background: To strengthen the economy growth through agriculture, there ought to be increase in production and balance in trade terms of export and import. India competes with the global markets in exporting significant spices and few other horticulture products that ends up in economy growth with the help of an array of governmental initiatives to the farmers. Objectives: To analyze the Growth Rate and Instability in Area, Production and Productivity of significant spices and to examine the export of major spices from India during the period of 10 years from 2010 - 2020. Methods: The data have been analyzed with statistical tools; the study has used Compound Annual Growth Rate Analysis (CAGR) & Instability Rate (IR) for analysis. The secondary data used for this study was taken from the Spice Board of India annual reports for the period of 10 years from 2010-2011 to 2019-2020 for the selected major spices. Findings: The analysis provided compound annual growth rate and instability for the selected spices in India in terms of area, production, productivity and export performance for the period of 10 years from 2010-2011 to 2019-2020 to showcase the Indian export in the global markets and to know the status of spices growth in India compared to the previous years (2001-2010). Recommendation: A major concern for the survival in the export market is to increase the productivity and also maintain the quality of the product. So, the major recommendations to be noted by the Spice Board and Agriculture and spice industry to increase the productivity is, i) cultivating quality and best products, ii) utmost care in consumer and contaminants, iii) knowing the new trends in global market for export, iv) enough storage precautions based on the products v) harvesting properly vi) hygiene both in environment and personal. Also, some of the major schemes can be introduced under agriculture for better cultivation of spices by the farmers and it leads to the highest production and productivity and it also impacts the Indian economy.

Keywords: Agriculture Science; spices; production; productivity; export; performance


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