• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2023, Volume: 16, Issue: 35, Pages: 2807-2812

Original Article

Association of Parosmia and nutritional status in Post COVID Patients using PAST TOOL

Received Date:09 May 2023, Accepted Date:06 August 2023, Published Date:16 September 2023


Objectives: To determine the association between normal dietary intake of patients suffering from parosmia and clinically relevant recovery of olfactory and gustatory function in patients with postinfectious COVID-19 using the PAST tool. Method: The study involved categorizing post-COVID patients into two distinct groups based on the presence or absence of parosmia. These groups were then subjected to a standardized questionnaire known as the ”PAST TOOL” to determine the specific foods that elicited aversive reactions in the patients. The 24-hour recall was considered for calculating their energy and protein intake. Findings: The study revealed that the presence of an odd/unusual taste and odour significantly influences the dietary behaviour, energy, and protein intake of individuals afflicted with parosmia. The patients’ energy and protein intake were notably lower, with mean values of 538.6 ()148.9kcal and 26.17 ()8.08g, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Furthermore, the emotional well-being of the patients was adversely affected, leading to a significant impact on their overall quality of life. Novelty: This study aims to investigate the potential correlation between parosmia and nutritional status among post-COVID patients. The PAST tool was utilized to obtain data on the olfactory and gustatory responses and stimuli of individuals who have encountered parosmia following their recovery from COVID-19. The exploration of this association is considered as a novel area of research as it has not been extensively studied.

Keywords: Olfactory; Parosmia; Gustatory; Covid19; PAST Tool


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