• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2022, Volume: 15, Issue: 43, Pages: 2303-2316

Original Article

CPDD: Clustering and Probabilistic based Data Dissemination in Vehicular Adhoc Networks

Received Date:13 July 2022, Accepted Date:19 September 2022, Published Date:17 November 2022


Objectives: To maintain Quality of Service (QOS) for data dissemination, prevent packet loss and high reachability. Methods: To achieve this, CPDD: Clustering and Probabilistic based Data Dissemination in Vehicular Adhoc Networks is proposed. The messages are disseminated between the clusters. The Performance metrics like throughput, jitter, Normalized Routing Load, Routing Overhead and packet loss ratio are analysed using NS2 and the results are compared for the varying number of nodes. Findings: The proposed approach has a low packet drop ratio and end-to-end delay compared to SECADD, SEAD and S1PD. The efficiency of the traffic system and the quality of driving are both improved by data dissemination through VANETs by using CPDD. The goal of an effective clustering method is to reduce the number of clusters while maintaining high communication over the vehicular network. Novelty: Establishing effective communication between two fastmoving vehicles is a major challenge in VANET. The challenge in designing a robust and reliable message dissemination technique is required for VANET safety applications. The results of the proposed model CPDD is compared for different numbers of nodes. The proposed work improves the QOS metrics with the Normalized Routing Load of 1.009%, Routing Overhead of 1.03 bits/sec, throughput of 205.5 bits/sec, end-to-end delay of 0.435 seconds and packet loss ratio of 20.02% for 50 nodes.

Keywords: Broadcasting; CPDD; Routing Overhead; Dissemination; Clustering; VANET


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© 2022 Jeevitha & Bhuvaneswari. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Published By Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee)


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