• P-ISSN 0974-6846 E-ISSN 0974-5645

Indian Journal of Science and Technology


Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Year: 2022, Volume: 15, Issue: 26, Pages: 1296-1305

Original Article

Dormitory Management Information System with SMS Notification and Biometric Security

Received Date:24 August 2021, Accepted Date:04 January 2022, Published Date:11 July 2022


Objectives: The purpose of this study is to develop a computer-based system capable of providing dorm occupants with real-time information using SMS notification and biometric security. Methods: During this study, each occupant must register on the system with a biometric scanner using their fingerprint. The fingerprint is automatically compared to the stored database of the tenant’s information, and if the databases match, the tenants are allowed to enter or exit the dormitory area. After that, the data is saved in a database and sent to the tenant’s parents via SMS notification using the GSM module. Findings: This study implied that fingerprint scanning with biometric technology enhanced the security measures. This system allows the administrator to automatically check the tenant’s attendance and reduce its time to execute transactions involving an individual’s information. The tenant’s attendance can be limited and marked by the fingerprint detection process and send an alert SMS notification to the parents to increase security. Results show that the level of functionality in terms of security and accurateness were all interpreted as ”Very Good.” Likewise, in the level of usability in terms of learnability, operability and accessibility were also interpreted as ”Very Good.” Similarly, the level of performance in terms of reliability and time efficiency was also interpreted as ”Very Good.” Moreover, the system is easy to use, easy to learn, and user-friendly. This significant result indicated that respondents were conveniently impressed by the developed system’s features.Novelty /Applications: The method developed in this study is novel in terms of functionality, accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. The system can greatly assist the administrator in managing the individual’s information.

Keywords: Dormitory Management; Information System; Biometric Security; SMS Notification; Computer BasedSystem


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Published By Indian Society for Education and Environment (iSee)


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